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Do Indian shared power bank brands have to do BIS certification? How to apply for BIS certificate?

Do Indian shared power bank brands have to do BIS certification? How to apply for BIS certificate?

Indian shared power bank investors and domestic shared power bank investors want to enter the Indian shared power bank market. They all need to ask whether they must apply for Indian BIS certification and how to apply? Both the National Administration for Industry and Commerce of India and the Customs require that electronic products entering the Indian market must apply for the BIS certification of the same brand before they can enter the Indian market. How to apply for BIS certification?


1 Customers can apply for shared power bank BIS in India. When purchasing samples of shared power bank, indicate that it is for BIS certification, which is convenient for customs clearance. Otherwise, Indian customs will detain or confiscate products that do not conform to Indian standards. The power bank rental station manufacturer must provide the BIS certification, drawings, and parameters of the related parts of the shared power bank products. The Indian customer will submit the BIS certification to the BIS agency, and the certification time will take 1-2 months.


2 Indian shared power bank customers can entrust shared power bank manufacturers to apply for BIS certification for their shared power bank products, and customers must provide company-related information. Shared power bank manufacturers apply to the BIS certification agency at their location, provide relevant information on shared power bank products, and coordinate the work related sharing power bank BIS certificate  shared poication. Certification time: 1-2 months.

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